Download my friend's mixtape! It's really good.

Fashion Show

I'm in a HIV/AIDS Awareness group at my university called RCP. It stands for Respect Yourself, Check Yourself, Protect Yourself. We put on a fashion show last week that was called "Remembering The Times: Past and Present Fashion Show" Here's the flyer I made for it that was put into print. I'm so proud of this. Here are some shots I took at the show.

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here I am!

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answer this.

how do you know what you want in life?

<--- that's me like a year ago. I don't look like that anymore lol.

I've done alot of things that I'm not proud of. But I don't regret anything. It's life. You love, you learn, you lose. You move on. You can't turn back time. Nobody can tell me I don't enjoy life, because everything I do, I do it because I want to do it. So why regret it later? Live your life. You never know what's gonna happen, don't try to plan it. Jah already planned it for you. Being human, you're bound to struggle. It's a part of life. So don't worry. Just live. Let go and just be. How long will it be before you realize that it's not about everyone else? It's about you. Let go and just be. Peace, Love, Equality. Belief. Faith.

- Jelly B.

Join The Movement

I believe in peace, love, and equality. Stand for the movement. You get to a point in your life where you have to realize that certain things just aren't worth the stress. Just Let go and be. That's what I call my movement. I've been so happy and carefree, and things are just going in the right direction. The key is staying positive. When I'm talking to my friends and they ask how I'm doing, I say great. They ask what's so great. I say I'm alive and that's enough for me. Even if you're having a bad day, take a look at the positive side of things. Question. If your world ended today could honestly you say that your life was worth it? I'm sure there are things you haven't done yet, but could you say that you were truly happy with yourself and the way you are living? My answer is yes. I'm happy, I do things because I want to do them, and I'm free. I'm my own person. I extend a challenge to whoever reads this. Let go and just be.

life isn't optional.

kanye west.

this is my accomplishment for the day. A Kanye West banner I made. I have not done this type of work in a very long time. I really should get back into it.

Blog Feature

I'm not sure how I where I came across this blog. However, it was an instant follow! This girl is really cool. It's always awesome to see what other people are thinking on issues of their everyday lives. Here's what the mind behind the blog had to say:

"Ive always been different, ever since a young age ive been the one to do the opposite if everyone stood i would stand and im still like that and im 14 ! Im a your not so average teenager who just sees stars and flashing lights where ever i look. My blog is about my dreams and my point of view on this in everyday to day encounters. Im the StarryEyedKidd and i would love you to follow my blog. If you enjoy mindblowns AWSOME blog then you will enjoy StarrEyedKidd."

Follow her ---> StarryEyedKidd

if we don't have belief, what do we have?

If we don't have belief, what do we have? I took these photos around 12:14AM. It was a spur of the moment type thing. My best ideas come when I don't take time to plan. Try it sometime. I ask the question again. If we don't have belief, what do we have? Believe in someone. Let someone believe in you. It's like the fuel that keeps us going. It's like that little voice in your head that reminds you to keep pushing forward, keep trying. It always feels good to know that someone believes in you. People tell me all the time that I'm going places and fast. If I didn't have people to believe in me, I'd be headed nowhere. Believing in yourself is most important but it only gets you so far, we all need that extra push sometimes. Now, I answer my question. Without belief, we have nothing.

can you see her smile?

I took this photo yesterday afternoon. My little sister was sitting on the shore of the beach, and she still doesn't know that I took it. I really like it. I can see a smile on her face.

walk in mine.

this picture was taken with my crappy 1.3 megapixel cell phone camera. yet, I love it. They are my favorite pair of nike blazers. I was bored in drawing 1 class watching people's art get critiqued. I call this picture walk in mine. You never know what someone goes through, so don't judge them. I'm guilty of judging people before I know them. But I'm trying because I hate when people judge me. Try to smile and say hello to everyone that you pass in a day. You never know, they could be on their way to commit suicide and the fact that you noticed them, acknowledged their exsistence could change their life. It could save their life. Take a walk in someone else's shoes for a day. It'll make you realize that this world is much bigger than you think.