<--- that's me like a year ago. I don't look like that anymore lol.
I've done alot of things that I'm not proud of. But I don't regret anything. It's life. You love, you learn, you lose. You move on. You can't turn back time. Nobody can tell me I don't enjoy life, because everything I do, I do it because I want to do it. So why regret it later? Live your life. You never know what's gonna happen, don't try to plan it. Jah already planned it for you. Being human, you're bound to struggle. It's a part of life. So don't worry. Just live. Let go and just be. How long will it be before you realize that it's not about everyone else? It's about you. Let go and just be. Peace, Love, Equality. Belief. Faith.
- Jelly B.

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